Sunday, 14 August 2011

Nothing happens and then it all happens at once!

Well I have been pondering about my life quite a lot in Ruteng, as I have time on my hands. I am managing to still pass my Masters Course, so that is a relief and keeps me busy. Well busy as opposed to dying of boredom! Anyhow a bit of bad luck hit me, my computer broke (no more movies) and then got stung by a bee, which was rather painful and my head expanded to a very unfortunate size......and they have stopped selling petrol at the side of the road!!!!!!!!! do not even get me on that topic as I can rant forever about it!!!!!!!!!! However the good news is my head is normal again.

Thankfully the issue with my computer was just the cable that supplies the electricity. Now I have a Sony computer, but of course people do not have these computers on Flores, as that would involve something outside of the budget limits for most people on Flores. But thankfully people in Makassar have money, and I have friends in Makassar. So after only three weeks, I was reunited with a computer cord, my computer is working as I can watch movies and listen to music again.

Then to top off all this excitement, I have a new role. I am the roving volunteer on Flores, and I love it. I am busy and I am working. So this week I am in Maumere. Very nice place, sorry no photos on this occasion. Have met with credit unions, local government, government planning bodies and LSM's thinking about how to move the issue of disability. People are motivated ad interested in the main part and really keen for my help!!!!!!!! I am so happy.

Other volunteers are also getting in contact wanting advice and assistance on mainstreaming disability. So now I get to travel around this beautiful island even more and meet other volunteers. Last night Jack made me a truly African dinner and we watched premiership football until 1am, I have read books, relaxed on the beach, got very drunk twice! Quite honestly right now life cannot get any better. At this rate I might never come home.


  1. Great upbeat post Rachel, saya senang sekali dengar kabar begini ! Hope things go on like this, look out for my friends in Maumere. And enjoy tgl 17 celebrations tomorrow !

  2. nvery nice and interesting
    information, very cool

  3. We can never entails the things that will happen, but the inner mind says, it is fine to go on.
