Thursday, 28 April 2011

Things are better!

Thought I had better update this quickly, as things are a bit better then the last two days. Can't really say how I think each time I have a holiday I also need two or three days of being miserable before I get into the flow of things.

Yesterday met a really inspiring sister, who spent 10 years doing development work in Mozambique, she is now a head of a school here that offers some inclusive education, so going to see if I can help with some fund-raising over computer equipment for the low vision children that they cater for.

My frustration really is people here not understanding why I am here, and just thinking I am an English teacher. (Ironically I am not very good at English - so I would never get through the training to be an English teacher)

However after a few beers, and dancing around my living to to Dire Straits, I am feeling much more in the mood. Also have started to do a course with the Open university on Global Development which looks really interesting. So it gives me something to focus on.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

When little adjustments seem so big!

So I have been on holiday. I had a fabulous five days with Bob, Sarah, Jenny and Paul. Hopefully if I can get the internet to work you may even be treated to some pictures on this occasion. If it does not work, sorry but I will try and get them on facebook.

So life on holiday was social, involved drinking far too much beer which was a lot of fun. Visiting a swimming pool on a number of days, eating good food. Sitting in a lot of sun, it did rain but not too much and beer was always a good distraction when the rain arrived.

Trip back was adventurous on the public bus, especially when we had an unscheduled stop 20 kilometres outside of Rutting as the engine had overheated, which also seem to stop the gears working on the bus. Something you will always needs when dealing with mountain roads.

Then I arrived back in Ruteng. I found out I had headlice and it was raining hard! So I arrive one day late back into work, as I needed to sort out the headlice issue first. Today arrived at work and really wished I was still on holiday. Started writing a report for VSO – only to realise I am not fulfilling any of my objectives. Then looked at my to do list realising nothing on it has anything to do with disability...Then you guessed it. The tears started to flow. What am I doing here?

However salvation arrived soon after. I have my first official invite to a communion party on the 1st of May, then another one arrived soon after – so I am going to need some new shoes.

Then one of the teachers husbands came to visit me at home and fixed the flat tyre on my motorbike and has arranged for me to get a water dispenser delivery so I do not have to boil water.

However I am going to have to reconsider what I am doing and how to get some element of disability work back on the agenda...but as they say here pelan pelan! (go slowly!)

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Easter has arrived...and so has PIZZA!

Well as people on facebook will know, a pizza place has arrived in Ruteng. Not only that they do stuffed crust, with cheese or meat. Imagine my delight. They also have Chedder and Mozorella cheese. I may never need to come home! Only issue is they do not serve beer in the pizza place...but they do a very nice banana split - with lovely ice cream. I hope they survive my only concern is that must be importing most of the ingredients from somewhere foreign, as you can definitely not buy these things on Flores. But whoever has managed it.... good luck my son, I am sure my custom in the next year will help you out at the beginning of the big pizza adventure in Ruteng!!

Beside that not much else has happened. Have had the most hilarious time teaching the teachers English. Now realise the best way to get them engaged is by doing something silly. This week was heads, shoulders, knees and toes with the actions! People here have NO coordination. After Easter I am considering pin the tail on the donkey - with blindfolds! So it is fair and we can include the 4 blind students now part of this course (oh yes inclusion) I have sucessed in one of the many VSO objectives at last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well this week saw me get nipped on the toe by a scorpion. Nothing serious, and can be treated with a particular suncream from this part of the world. Which I am currently stocking up on, so I am prepared next time this happens, and do not do what I did this time. Scream mainly in English and tell my neighbours I think I am going to die. They thought that was most amusing.

My lovely neighbours have done all my washing for me. As I also developed an eye infection this week, which I seem now to be totally recovered from. Just goes to show I need to clean more. They have also fixed two pairs of my trousers which is nice.

Of on holiday on Tuesday to LabuanBajo, so hopefully will have some gossip for the next time I right.