I think this must be an occupational hazard of living up a mountain. But woke up the other morning, and for a split second I thought it had been snowing!
(very strange for Indonesia) but then I realised this was not the case, it was just that clouds had moved down the mountain and enveloped the school. I could not see the other end of the school because it was so cloudy.
Here are the photos of where I am staying.
The blue square thing is where the water is for my mandi so I just take the little pink bucket each morning and chuck it over me. (Well not quite as it is to cold, I gently introduce myself to the water, otherwise I think I may die of shock.) The next photo is some of the grounds of the convent. You cannot quite see it but my room is in the top left hand corner, slightly around the corner. The white building in the middle is the chapel. It takes ages to load photo's so I shall try and put some photos of the school on next week.
Not much has happened this week, due to the sisters being away, and strangely enough the night-life in Ruteng is quiet. Last night I went out with other volunteers and had a few too many beers. I think the big event this week is a party in the town centre on Saturday. I am not sure why but I will find out and let you know next week. Things are so quiet I am even contemplating joining the gym! but at the moment I am still in the contemplation mode and I think I can drag that out for a few more weeks. However I have signed up to do Teaching English a Foreign Language. I am hoping it will help me before I start teaching the staff English here are the school.
Well in the meantime I am going to surf the net as I want to see if I can find any scholarship opportunities for children who are blind or deaf to go to university or train to be teachers, as I am sure I saw something the other day. If you come by anything on the internet you think I may be interested in, please let me know. Many thanks Rachel